четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

free matlab tutorials

In trying to find something to really write about today, I couldn't help but notice the same thing plastered on every sports site, the Dallas Cowboys. I mean has the American sports fan really become that fascinated with the NFL? I guess so. I mean who outside of Philly and Tampa really care about the World Series, simple no one. The NBA is what it is. I have a few friends that enjoy it. I mean I still pay attention. Then there is the NHL. I enjoy hockey, but I live in a part of the country where the odds of a pond freezing over are slim to none. Plus, it's a sport that needs to be seen live. You can't beat grown, oversized men beating the crap out of each other.

So I guess that explains the intrigue of the NFL. A bunch of large males throwing each other around the field. Americans as a group enjoy violence. Yeah, they say things are too gruesome, but deep down they like it. But I am not comparing a the NFL to real life violence. Gore is another subject for another day, and I am not going to bark up that tree. So back to the conversation of Football Americana.

People spend gobs of money on this sport. The NFL this year charged full season ticket prices for Pre-Season games. Guess what, people tried to be out raged, but they still payed and went to the games. Consumers pay for the season television packages. Those cost more than a couple of college text books. They pay an arm and a leg for memorabilia. I bought a Felix Jones jersey this year and that was my weekly meal budget. Then when February roles around, they plan parties around the Super Bowl. I mean the Food Network devotes a full week to it. Everyone is trying to cash in on it.

I think that the Romans would be proud of us. I was watching one of those sports science shows and they had rugby players on. They said that Americans are nuts for playing this sport. The hits in football are more viscous then those in rugby. But then again maybe thats why no one else in the world plays the sport. It is very hard on the body. I know a man who played in the early seventies and now he has two artificial knees and metal hips.

But that is the allure of the sport. We like the big hits. They get the juices going. Plus it is a good diversion to everyday life. I don't see the NFL ever going away in the foreseeable future. We pump too much money into it. Maybe too much. However, when every Saturday and Sunday between August and February I will be glued to the television just like everyone else.

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